The Love Place

 written by Eva Thayer

 We can hold a pencil and say, “I am holding a pencil”. The word pencil identifies a pencil.  Every thing needs a name to identify it.  I chose the word MeLand to identify The Love Place within.  My perception is that it is absolutely necessary to have a word to identify the Love Place within.  Why?  Because it gives Love a place to abide.  When we hear the word MeLand, we immediately know it is The Love Place within where Big Me abides.  It is not always possible to have fun and joy in the visible world.  But it is always possible to be a Happy Me in the Invisible World.  That is because we are given the ability to imagine the Love Place within. 

When we imagine we pretend.  What is happening round and about us becomes less important than what can happen in our imagination. “What we can perceive, we can achieve” is the truth.  

Children live in the pretend world.  They build castles in the sand and blocks into houses and towns.  It’s easy for them to find the invisible Love Place within when they are encouraged to look for it.  Once they know about it they never forget.  

Telling children about “The Love Place” is important.  It is a basic concept that builds a solid foundation for life.  

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