Peter Carey’s Interpretation
of the Lyrics on CD2

1.   Come Celebrate Me
Realize and celebrate MeLand as a land of imagination and self-respect.  “MeLand” is the land of incredible Me!

2.   I’m a Happy Me
Realize that you can love yourself and be happy with the unlimited you inside.
3.   Who Am I? 
Acknowledge and encourage who you are inside. You can be whoever you want to be.
4.   Outside  - Inside Me
Acknowledge and express all the different qualities that make you who you are.
5.   Just For Me
No matter where you are, you’re in “MeLand”. You have your own home-space and you must learn to respect the home-space of others.
6.   Only I Can Be Me
You are unique.  You carry the pride and responsibility of caring for and developing your unique gifts.
7.   MeLand is Where I Am
No matter where you are, you are a “Me”. You present to the world who you are – your gifts and qualities.
8.   It Feels Good To Be ME
You will bring your quality to the world. You are connected to people and nature; but first you must learn to be happy with yourself. You are a unique, loving “Me” with loving energy.
9.   We Honor Every Me
In MeLand We Honor Every ME  To make the world better, we must all start by loving ourselves.  As loving “Me’s”, we have own our loving energy and home-space.
10.   I Am Love        
Rhythm feels good. Let the love-energy flow.
11.   Picture a Hula Hoop
You have your own inner space in imagination. You also have your own physical space. The hula-hoop represents the boundaries of “MeLand” that must be respected by each of us.
12.   Here I Am
Each of us is loving-energy.  No matter what, each of us is important.
13.   I Know Rap
Proclaim that you have learned to know that you are special, unique and gifted in your own way.
14.   We Are Thankful
You must be thankful that you are the incredible you that you are.
15.   Stars
Stars represent all the “Me’s” in the universe.  Whether you are big or small, each and every incredible “Me” is important. We are all unlimited and unique and must respect each other.
16.   I Am Always With Me
You are never alone.  Your love and your gifts are with you in “MeLand” wherever you go.
17.   Love No Matter What
With the joy and self-respect we each find in “MeLand,” the world can be a more loving place.
18.   Nature Goes ‘Round 
Life’s circle never ends.  Individuals have a beginning and an end, but life-cycles continue. You are part of the cycle of life and your love and energy contributes to its growth.
19.   How Can It Be?
How can all the mysteries of the universe be as they are? It may be impossible to know, but it is important to wonder!
20.   I’m Your Energy
Celebrate the energy of “MeLand” and the effect it can have on the world.
21.   It’s Great to Awake
Your curious energy can reach out to the world. Look at nature all around you and see how we all live in the life-cycle.
22.   Dancing With the SUN
Dancing celebrates life and your place in the world.
23.   Tick Tock, Toot Toot
We are not like clocks made by a clockmaker and put on a shelf to tick.  We are like seeds.
24.   How I Feel Today
Be free to express how you feel in “MeLand” by the way you act and the words that you choose.
25.   I’m in Charge  –
In nature there are stormy days and sunny day.  In “MeLand” it’s OK to be mad or glad.  You are in charge of how you feel.
26.   My Family Tree
All the people in your family are “Me’s”.  Families multiply just like the trees in a forest multiply.
27.   Stretch and Expand
You are flexible and can adapt.  As you world changes around you, you will learn to change and adapt with it.
28.   Perception Rap
As the world changes around you, your perception of yourself will change.  Remember, you are free to be who you want to be.
29.   The Love of a Ball
The ball used in play represents the love you give to all those around you.
30.   Love Bubbles – Joy Bubbles 
Bubbles represent the love you pass to everyone in your life circle.
31.   Love Beams Forth 
The love that we are will radiate to all those you contact in your life.  It starts with just a few and ends up being millions.

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