
By John Randolph Price

excerpt from:

    The Quartus Report Newsletter

It is impossible for us to be separated from God. We are not two parts coming together as one. There is no such thing as God and....
Simply put,  we live as God in expression, Spirit made manifest. The Universal becomes the Individual.
When we entered the world of matter, a thought-form of fear created false beliefs which we now call ego. And, a sense of separation from our true nature began.
Many new teachings have arisen to shatter the illusion and re- mind us of our Divine Reality.
Nothing is lacking. Nothing is absent. Whoever is not of God does not exist. There is nothing opposed to God. Truth has no opposite. Therefore, all is perfect. Spiritual consciousness knows this and does not experience duality.
If we agree that we live in a perfect world right now, without opposites, then beliefs to the contrary will begin to change.
When we live in and as spiritual consciousness, everything in life is spontaneous, natural, automatic and unplanned by the ego nature. In all regards it is complete without opposition in any form.
Too idealistic? Not if we can believe the truth that there is NO duality.
The Nag Hammadi texts say, "whoever perceives divine reality, becomes what he sees."
A poem:
My ego went without a fight
I turned it over to the light
It melted there within the glow
The secret was in letting go.

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"Eva’s music is a Joyous inspiration, and I certainly recommend MeLand, the Land of Love."
--John Randolph Price