“On the Spot”
  Eva Says:

MeLand Lessons are short and easy.
They can be “tucked in” any place, any time.

Four essential elements taught:

1. Self esteem....this means that every child is important
and separate from every other child

2. To be responsible.....this means that children  understand
that the choices they make result in what happens  (law of cause and effect) 

3. To be aware of how they feel 

4. To know that helping others is a way to help oneself.

A Happy Me Way to Build Character
Learn MeLand Music
Sing it wherever you are

Learn a MeLand song and it is always “on the spot” available.  It is easy to use the message in the song anytime, anywhere. 

MeLand visuals, activities and “Do It” pages can be given in short or long periods of time as desired.  What is not accomplished today can carry over until tomorrow.  

It is important to know how to beat rhythms!  Hearts beat, food digests, feet walk.  It doesn’t take long to understand that beating a drum is the same as being in the rhythm of life.  It is a simple process to learn rhythm and add an affirmation.  A few minutes a day will be sufficient.  

Complete silence!  Quiet the mind!  In MeLand it is a part of Circle time.  The amount of time can vary as desired.  

The happy messages in the songs, visuals, activities, “Do its” and rhythms stay in memory forever.  

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