
A Me Ball

me ball

CD3 #20
click title to hear the song

 A MeBall
lyrics below

Put Invisible Love into a visible ball.  Print Me Ball on a ball. 

Sing the MeBall song.
Do what the words in the song say.
Imagine that LOVE is inside all the balls you play with.

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CD3 #20
click title to hear the song

 A MeBall

A MeBall…. a fun Ball…..a Love Ball to play our game.

Verse 2:  A MeBall…..a fun Ball.….a Love Ball to win our game.

Verse 3:  A MeBall…. a fun Ball…..a Love Ball to throw to you.

Verse 4:   A MeBall…. a fun Ball.….a Love Ball you throw to me.

Verse 5:   A MeBall…. a fun Ball…..a Love Ball we pass along.

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