
foot     hand

CD3 #1 
click title to play song

Love That I Am
lyrics below

Love Your Feet and Love your Hands

As you sing the song, point to your fingers
and point to your toes and count them.

When you get to the words "the love that I am," hug yourself.
Keep remembering that Big You that is within you is the
Love that you are.

Write your name on the lines.
Outline your foot and outline your hand.
Write what you do with your feet and with your hands.
Write why your feet and hands are important to you.



CD3 #1 

Love That I Am
click title to play song

On the outside of Me the ME that you see, 
I can count 10 fingers, I can count ten toes.

On the inside of ME,
no one can see the love that I am,
the love that’s you and ME.  

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