Dianne writes:

As I am now an adult I can reflect on what being in MeLand classes as a child meant to me.  It gave me the language and ability to know that I am special and that I have talents and gifts that I should share with others.  It also taught me how to connect with others.  Standing in a classroom with my friends dancing, singing and chanting about  ME and WE in MeLand gave me a special place where I  connected and felt safe to be myself.  As an adult I carry with me the knowledge that I first learned with MeLand and Grandma Eva, that my Creator isn't in some far away place, isn't some destination that I have to go to.  He is here in my heart, in my family, peers, and coworkers and those I serve.   So, in celebrating my life and the lives of those around me, I am living MeLand and living in the wonder that is my Creator.

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