Note:  This is another version of the Miracle Story with additions that seem important to let you know about.
Hi! I’m Eva.  Because my parents were Christians, I called my Creator God.  My church was like my second home.  Time was divided between the place I lived and my church.  I was a member of the official board, chaired a prayer group, taught teen Sunday School classes (before the church service), greeted people at the door before church, and had charge of flower arrangments for the altar.

     Jesus said “The Kingdom of God is within you."  Perhaps I should have understood that, because the Kingdom of God is within me, it would be possible to talk directly to God within myself.....but I didn’t.   The teens that I taught were clever and smart and it seems at least one of them would have picked up the fact that it is possible to talk directly to God but not one of them did. 

     So, at age 50, it came as a shock to discover this for myself.  I left my home, where my husband and our four children lived in Toledo, Ohio, to go to a prayer retreat at a college in Southern Ohio.  Alone in a prayer room, I distinctly heard a Voice that was different than the chatter of words I usually heard.  The Voice asked me if I was willing to die.  I thought I would be dying a physical death so I hesitated to answer.  The Voice repeated the question several times.  Then I said, “Yes”.  The next question I heard was, “Are you willing to write for Me”?  That was an easy question to answer.  I said, “Yes”.  From that time on I actually believed I would be dying a physical death until one day I read an article in the newspaper written by a Bishop titled: “Jesus Makes Death a Stepping Stone into Life”.  It was then I knew that I had promised to die to my human ego self.  During the time this was happening, it didn’t occur to me that “if I was dead I could not write"!  Isn’t that funny....funny?  That’s something to giggle about.

     For thirteen years the Voice, that I now call Big Me, gave me words for individual greeting cards and specific people to send them to.  Some people I knew.  Others were strangers.   The supplies for making the cards came from the back room of a paper manufacturing company.  The cost of the scraps was five cents a pound.

    Jim, the husband of my friend Shirley, was in the hospital.  The doctors informed Shirley that Jim could not recover.  One snowy night I was curled up in front of our fireplace when the Voice asked me to write a card to Jim.  I left the warm cozy spot and went to my desk where I stayed up writing all night.  In the early morning the snow was deep in our drive and on the streets.  Ordinarily, I would hesitate to drive through it.  But that morning was different.  It was easy to deliver the ten-page card.

The next day, the phone rang.  In an excited voice, Shirley said, “Eva, Jim is healed.  He watched a football game on T V.  He walked up and down the hallway.  The Doctor says he can go home today”.  

     Writing greeting cards ended.  I heard, “Eva, write a book about experiencing Me.  People pray to me, give sermons about me, read about me-- but few people experience Me.  I want people to experience Me like you do.”   I did.  I wrote More We Than Me.  Please know that human me did not write More We Than Me.  Know that God (Big Me) wrote it!

Time passed.  The experience of sharing More We Than Me at the school for five years ended.  Creating music for world-wide marketing began.  Peter, Jayne and I had our music ready to market.  The word God was written in the lyrics.  The Voice said, “Eva, take the word God out of your music and replace it with the word Me.  God is an outside word.  I want to be inside.”  I did.  I had the people--children and adults--who had produced the music, come back to the studio.  They sang the word Me where there had been the word God.   MeLand, Land-of-Love music, began.  Please know that human me (little me) did not write the  MeLand Music.  Know that God (Big Me) wrote it!

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