MeLand Dictionary
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You’re a Me.  I’m a Me.  It’s a fun word because it belongs to everyone. 

MeLanguage Dictionary

Autographs:  family and friend’s signatures and love notes 
Bridge:  People who call themselves Me connect
Celebration:  a party to appreciate Me
Chanting:  speaking words in rhythm
Crown:  a head dress to show who’s in charge
DanDee: Dandy children in MeLand
Flow:  all that is
Forever:  never ending
Free:  open, unlimited
Glow:  Me energy
Happy Me:  a Me who enjoys being Me
Hub:  the center of
Inlet:  open for the flow
Joy:  feeling the glow
Know:  beyond belief
Kingdom:  MeLand territory
Love:  What every Me is
Live:  to live is to abide in Me
Me:  the word used to refer to self

MeAbilities:  qualities Me’s have

MeBall:  invisible love in a visible ball

MeBeing:  a Me in MeLand
MeLand-Way:  Love no matter what

MeCar:  an awareness vehicle
MeDad:  a parent
MeLand:  the Land of Love. MeLand is the one word that defines the Love that we are.

MeLander:  one of a group of Me’s
MeMom:  a parent
MePals: (singular and plural) friends and helpers
MePoster:  a poster made by a Me about Me’s
MePresent:  being always available
Me’s:  more than one Me
MeStone:  a stone to remember Inside Invisible Me

MeTeacher:  a teacher who teaches Me’s 
MeTeam:  like minded Me’s
MeTree:  tree of life
MeWeCircle:  Me’s in a circle
Now:  present time
Outlet:  giving

Serendipity:  faculty to make desirable
                     discoveries by accident

Synchronicity:  overlapping happenings
Sparkle:  a Me who shines
Toss:  to throw a MeBall
AThankful ME:  a Me who always appreciates
Truth:  perceived reality
The MeLand Slogan
I’m a Me; You’re a Me;        
Our common name is “Me.” 

The MeLand Motto
LOVE that I am fills me with JOY

Word: MeLand is the one word that defines the Love that we are.

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