Eva's Message to Teachers

An excellent way to teach children that their Creator is inside is with a clock.  Our Creator is not like a clockmaker that creates us and puts us on a shelf to tick and leaves us there a human all alone.  No!   Human Me is the Doing Me.  Our Creator, the Bigger Me, is the Being Me....the part of us that functions.

“Dear Creator – help me” are words that separate Human Me from Bigger Me.  Sing this song to continuously be aware that our Creator is an intimate companion.  It is impossible to separate Creator and Me.  This is what my friend of many years, John Randolph Price, has written.  Click here to read it
John uses the Christian word God but what he wrote applies to every religion.

Activity and Visuals:  

1. A toy train to use with the first sentence. 

2.  A Clock to use with the second sentence.   Let the children wind it and put it on a shelf to tick.  Explain that if we were a clock a clockmaker made we would have to call outside ourselves for help to make our hearts beat like a clock’s hands tick.  

3. The clock and tree page from the Connection Box is already in the children’s notebook.  But it seems to me that they would enjoy drawing their own tree.  They can add roots and branches to their tree.  Then they can color it.

Use the Rhythm Chart.  Beat a Rhythm.  Add an Affirmation.  Example of an affirmation is:  I know I am not alone....I am connected. 

I invite you to add your creativity to this lesson.

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Co-creator Peter Carrey's Comment:  "We don’t stand still in life like a clock stands on a shelf.  We grow and change like a tree grows from a seed into a tree."