Concept of Love

   I know that............
1.  I am Love.  I live in MeLand, the Land of Love.
2.  I am happy when I am aware of the Love that I am... friends, relatives, and even strangers want to be with me.
3.  It's FUN to love everyone...loving Me's find joy in being together.
4.  I am an Outside-Inside Me...all rolled into one. Inside Me there is a well of Love that never runs dry.  No matter what happens to me I can go to my well and receive Love. CD2 #4
5.  Everyone has the same well of Love Inside.  Knowing this makes it easy to forgive and love everyone.  CD2 #17

6.  The Love that I am is the same Love that everyone and everything is.
7.  Qualities and abilities like intelligence, intuition, imagination, instinct, and patience come from the Love that I am.
8.  When I am aware my physical body is Love I am healthy and wealthy.  Wealth is not always reckoned in terms of money.
9.  When I am aware that I am Love, my emotions are stable...bringing peace into my life and my world.
10.  The more loving I know myself to be, the more creative I am.

11.  Love is a circle around me...having no end.  Love is forever...infinite.

12.  It takes a heap of Love to be aware of what all the spokes in my wheel can do for me.

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