Concept of Identity

 I know that............

1. Only I can be Me. I am free to be Me.

2. Me is a common word that Identfies every individual.

3. Me's are alike in the following ways:
a. We are provided with the necessities to keep us alive like air, sun, water, food, etc...
b. We all live under some kind of shelter.
c. We have physical organs that sustain us every day.
d. Our bodies function in the same way.
e. We are given wonderful qualities... a mind to think... free will... instinct... intuition... imagination.... patience.... and many more.

4. It is easy to Identify Me...I am different from anyone else.

5. I identify myself with the word Me. My name on my birthday certificate gives Me another way to Idetify myself.

6. Like the Space spoke, my Identity is a circle that circles around Me.

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