Concept of Choices

 I know that…

 1. I am free to make Choices.

 2. I am capable of knowing what Choices are best for Me.

 3. When I am Choosing, I am Intending. Intentions manifest. The Intention Rap is CD3 #22

 4. What I Choose is what I get...My Choices bring future manifestations.

 5. I Choose to grow each day in awareness. When I am aware, I am a Happy Me.

 6. I Choose to be healthy by eating nutritious food, exercising each day and staying away from anything that is harmful to me.

 7. I Choose to care for others as I care for myself and accept them just as they are.

8. I Choose to be love in all place, at all times, under all circumstances.

 9. I Choose to use my imagination.....I know what I
 imagine can become a reality. This is a good way to fulfill
 my desires.

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